Grading Policy

Grading Policy 

On the very first day of 5th Grade, students will be explained the grading policy of our class. The primary goal of grading policy is to inform the parents and students via cognitive and behavioral expectations. Each school year consists of  2 semesters and each of which has 2 marking periods. In total, students will receive 4 report cards in the 5th-grade class. Report cards will be distributed at the end of each marking period. Students will take formative and summative assessment throughout the school year. Their grades will be included in the report card. 65 and above is considered a passing grade. 

Parents are requested to bring their child's report cards during parent-teacher conferences. 

Here is the breakdown of the grades:

80% - Assessments

5% - Behavior 

5% - Attendance

5% - Homework

5% - Classwork







"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb

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